G2: 1st Steps
Healthy Habit 5: Giving

As Christians we give generously back to God as a way of expressing our gratitude to God for His rich blessings to us. It’s an act of worship as we proclaim our love for Jesus.
For the ancient Israelite that meant sharing a portion of their flocks or crops through a sacrifice.
Most of us aren’t farmers or ranchers and don’t have animals or crops to give. However, we can give in other ways.
One of our greatest assets is time. We can give generously of our time by serving in our church or in a community focused ministry of our church.
If you don’t have a job, this may be your only expendable asset.
Your church has many opportunities to give of your time.
On Sunday mornings you can serve in Children’s Ministry, Audio-Tech Team, Greeter Team, etc.
You can also serve by coming up to the church to do various tasks (painting, cleaning, administrative work, etc.).
Click here to let us know you’d like to serve somewhere at ORBC: http://t.ly/64uyz
Our church also has community focused ministries that you can give your time.
Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend: Help sort donations, volunteer.
Click here for more info on the Pregnancy Center: https://www.orbcportland.com/pregnancy-center/
Operation Christian Love (Eagle Pass, TX): Help sorting donations of clothing or going on a mission trip to help with an orphanage in Mexico.
Click here for more info on Operation Christian Love: https://www.orbcportland.com/operation-christian-love/
Ramps of Love: They meet monthly to build wheelchair ramps for those in need in the Portland area.
Click here for more info on Ramps of Love: https://www.orbcportland.com/ramps-of-love/
We can also share our financial assets. If you have a job babysitting, mowing yards, or working at a local store you have the opportunity to express your gratitude to God for providing a job and an income.
How much should you give? Well the answer is really HOW you should give rather than HOW MUCH you should give.
The New Testament doesn’t proscribe a certain amount we are required to give. It simply tells us we should give.
What it does say is HOW we should give. We are told to give cheerfully and generously!
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver . . . You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9.6-11)
Paul told the church in Corinth that they shouldn’t give because they OUGHT to give, but because they WANT to give! They should give with a spirit of cheerfulness and generosity, knowing that their gifts will not only bless others but also glorify God!
When you give financially to ORBC that money is used to help the church do all that it does to contribute to the faith journey of all those who attend its services and ministry opportunities.
It helps to pay the electric bill and salaries for staff and nursery workers.
It helps to purchase Bible study material, food and beverages for student and other events, etc.
It helps to maintain the buildings, keep the yards mowed, etc.
Your church allocates money to do ministry within the local community, throughout the state of Texas and the USA, as well as throughout the world.
Money is used to support the ministries and livelihoods of missionaries throughout the world who are sharing the good news of Jesus to those in need of being rescued from death into life!
Additionally, your church uses some of its resources to help people in financial need (groceries, gas, etc.).
There are many expenses in keeping your church ready for relevant and effective ministry each and every week.
The only source of income your church has is the generous and faithful contributions of church members.
When you give, you are supporting the work of your church!
How do you give? You can put money in the offering plate at church during the worship services on Sunday.
You can also mail a financial gift to the church office.
You can also give online if you happen to have a credit card. Most likely you do not. But you could give your money to your parents and have them use their credit card if that is your preferred method.
The easiest way by far is to give at church.
To give today click here: http://t.ly/40Cf