Oak Ridge Baptist Church of Portland, Texas [ORBC] seeks a lead pastor willing and able to edify and equip the fellowship for the work of the ministry.
Applicant should be able to demonstrate the characteristics outlined by Paul in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 through his daily walk. He must be a man called of God to preach the Word, having been ordained by this Church or a church of like faith. As “shepherd of the flock,” he will be responsible to:
1) plan, direct, and lead the fellowship in public worship;
2) counsel with individuals in need of a Pastor’s guidance and provide pastoral care; and
3) lead, manage, and oversee the Church staff and other members in the performance of their tasks.
ORBC is a lively fellowship of believers that seek protection and guidance in fulfilling the Great Commission. Portland is located on the Gulf Coast, just north of Corpus Christi, Texas. Portland is a growing community that still retains some of its small town charm.
Send resumes to orbcpsc@gmail.com